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What's the point in talking?


Sometimes in life we have moments when it feels as though we've walked off the edge of a cliff. Everything that was safe and secure, becomes unstable and chaotic.

This pandemic has caused so many of us to lose the stability and patterns of life that we had become so comfortable with. Some have faced the loss of employment, with all the financial insecurity that might bring. For others it is the fear of losing loved ones, either due to the coronavirus itself or because of underlying health issues that may be exacerbated by the current situation.

How can we help ourselves and each other manage our fears? Talking...

Sharing our worries with friends or loved ones. Letting others know we are struggling, feel vulnerable or just overwhelmed. It may not make an immediate difference to your fears and concerns but just the act of speaking them out loud to another can help.

Take a socially distanced walk with a friend outside. Call that person you have been meaning to check in on and if you are struggling to talk, find a counsellor online. Let them help you express what is concerning you, let them listen.

Take care and be safe



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